And do not forget to do good and to share with others,
for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
Hebrews 13:16
The goal of the Missions Team is to facilitate helping those in need by organizing fund-raisers and using
the money budgeted by the congregation to aid a variety of local and global charitable organizations.
Our church has always been a very generous giving church and our mission team continues to be of service both globally and in our community.
Locally, through volunteering or donating money, these are some of the programs we help:
FISH (Friends In Service Here), Community Food Basket, Meals on Wheels, Habitat for Humanity, Soup Kitchen, Hospice of Eastern Idaho, Champ’s Heart,
Camp Magical Moments, Good Samaritan, EIRMC Angel Tree, St. Vincent Christmas Baskets, Humanitarian Center
Globally, we support:
Gideon’s, Lutheran World Relief and Gifts, Missionaries in China, Lutheran Bible Translators
Penny Power is also a part of missions which has been highly successful in involving our youth.
Each Sunday, children bring their pennies forward for the penny jar.
If possible, the children help decide how to spend this money.
We have filled boxes for Operation Christmas Child, and we put together hygiene kits for the Humanitarian Center.
In December, Penny Power provided hams for St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Baskets.
Penny Power also provides families and individuals with supplies to help with their farms and crops through Lutheran World Relief Gifts.
We helped sponsor a child at Camp Magical Moments in Swan Valley.
Our missionaries in China benefitted from Penny Power with books to set up libraries for the “Left Behind Children”.
We are always excited to have new members to our team, if you would like to help to contact our office at 208-522-9301
for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
Hebrews 13:16
The goal of the Missions Team is to facilitate helping those in need by organizing fund-raisers and using
the money budgeted by the congregation to aid a variety of local and global charitable organizations.
Our church has always been a very generous giving church and our mission team continues to be of service both globally and in our community.
Locally, through volunteering or donating money, these are some of the programs we help:
FISH (Friends In Service Here), Community Food Basket, Meals on Wheels, Habitat for Humanity, Soup Kitchen, Hospice of Eastern Idaho, Champ’s Heart,
Camp Magical Moments, Good Samaritan, EIRMC Angel Tree, St. Vincent Christmas Baskets, Humanitarian Center
Globally, we support:
Gideon’s, Lutheran World Relief and Gifts, Missionaries in China, Lutheran Bible Translators
Penny Power is also a part of missions which has been highly successful in involving our youth.
Each Sunday, children bring their pennies forward for the penny jar.
If possible, the children help decide how to spend this money.
We have filled boxes for Operation Christmas Child, and we put together hygiene kits for the Humanitarian Center.
In December, Penny Power provided hams for St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Baskets.
Penny Power also provides families and individuals with supplies to help with their farms and crops through Lutheran World Relief Gifts.
We helped sponsor a child at Camp Magical Moments in Swan Valley.
Our missionaries in China benefitted from Penny Power with books to set up libraries for the “Left Behind Children”.
We are always excited to have new members to our team, if you would like to help to contact our office at 208-522-9301